Our mission is to promote the incomparable dignity and beauty of the human person through the power of film.
We move people to action by producing & promoting films that contribute to cultivating a culture of life, love & beauty.
Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain’s Journey
Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain’s Journey follows a young former Army chaplain who embarks upon a unique journey that’s inspired by the extraordinary, often untold stories of the chaplain heroes who came before him. From a U.S. Army Ranger who later became a chaplain and was immortalized in the blockbuster movie Black Hawk Down, to the four chaplains who sacrificed their lives aboard the U.S.S. Dorchester during World War II, to the remarkable story of a chaplain whose remains were recently returned home after 70 years and is possibly the Vatican’s next saint, this film honors the unsung heroes who bring courage and comfort to the front lines.