Upstream Filmfest

Uplift your community

Get Involved

We hope you join us in using these incredible short films to uplift your community. Simply donate $500 or more, and then shoot us a quick email letting us know you want to host an Upstream FilmFest.

Hosting a Movie to Movement FilmFest offers an exciting opportunity for you to uplift your community through the power of media.

With a donation of $500 or more, a church, non-profit, or individual will receive Movie to Movement’s Upstream FilmFest media bundle, offering critical tools for transmitting the Culture of Life to your members and the public:

The award-winning pro-life short film “Crescendo,” including a special message by executive producer Patti Mallette (who carried her son Justin Bieber to term thanks to a pro-life crisis pregnancy center).

A signed copy of “The Race to Save Our Century,” a brilliant intellectual analysis of the Culture of Death and how to debunk the evil arguments underpinning it—endorsed by Mike Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, and Patrick Buchanan.

The powerful short film “Sing A Little Louder,” which tells the true story of Christians who were indifferent to the Holocaust, and connects that sad fact to today’s threats to human dignity (abortion, jihad, persecution of Christians, et al).

An unlimited license for one year to show any of these three films in fundraisers and awareness campaigns, promoting a Culture of Life.

Catch,” a beautiful feature film by David Henrie about the critical importance of fathers.